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Partner news – the updates about industry leaders

The Beenius Interactive TV Platform represents the heart of the TV ecosystem and enables service providers to achieve functional and compelling visual differentiation of their TV service. To be able to deliver high-quality end-to-end unified TV solutions on time and at the highest level of quality we work closely with Beenius value added partners. With […]

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Recommendations – The very useful acquisition for OTT viewers

The operators should embrace OTT as it becomes normal everyday habit of their viewers. The internet is emerging as a sustainable way for broadcast content delivery and today Pay-TV as well as Cable operators are able to reach their audience directly by using OTT. One of the valuable benefits provided by Beenius Platform is to […]

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nPVR for Europe and U.S. markets

The digitisation of television has changed the fundamentals of the television market. Over the last few years, new ways of use have emerged: consumers have become used to recording live programming. Now they expect the freedom to record several channels at once and to watch it on any device, from any location, with access […]

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How to collect, manage and monatize big data – advanced television roundtable

The CEO of Beenius Mr. Filip Remškar was invited to participate at Advanced Television Roundtable in London to discuss Bid Data. What is Big Data, how is it collected, how can it be managed and how will it deliver monetization? These are all the questions answered by top five representatives of the Interactive TV world. To […]

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EU’s digital single market

With the end of April, the roaming surcharges will be lowered for the last time before disappearing by June 2017. This is one of the actions in the EU Digital Single Market agenda, and why it matters for operators you may ask? The Digital Single Market strategy will allow better access for consumers and business […]

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Bee connected at TV connect

With spring sun high in the sky people are moving from pubs to parks and open air venues. Either you’re up for the mighty London Marathon, being a tourist or a visitor at the TV Connect World Forum 2016, London is the place to be at the end of April. On April 26th ExCel London, […]

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Live TV, only for sport channels?

We could all agree with Nielsen statement about the growing influence of streaming video on-demand (SVOD) services, time-shifting and social media on the landscape of linear TV and the way people watch their favorite shows. With Beenius Interactive TV platfrom we enable operators to become Viewers’ First Choice, by providing desired content to your viewer […]

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Big data, analytics and TV

With IPTV came Catch-up TV and with OTT came TV Everywhere. Therefore, the viewers can watch their favourite TV shows anytime, anywhere on any device. We could say that viewing habits had change and that we almost can’t draw a line between the Live TV and On-Demand. Because of the overflow of numerous TV channels […]

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Infomir’s Egor Maliarov talks about Cabsat 2016

Infomir is a company with years of experience, specializing in manufacturing devices for Interactive television service providers and one of Beenius`s value added partners. After participating at CABSAT exhibition they published a short Q&A with their representative Egor Maliarov, which we are sharing in our partner section bellow. How can you describe CABSAT 2016 and […]

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Unified TV platform

At Beenius we believe that ideas and information must be available without any limitations. Formatting strong partnership with operators and partners is imperative as well as understanding their struggles. We help the operators to achieve their vision and become viable partner on the market. Operators want a satisfied viewers who would stay loyal to their […]