TV and Video Scenery by 2030

TV and Video Scenery by 2030

The current TV and video market are going through a period of vast change. In this report, some trends have been reliably identified as strong ones that will continue long into the future, while other patterns have huge uncertainties surrounding their ability to continue. Four separate scenarios for the future landscape of the TV and video world have been modeled, from the rise of the creators to the revenge of national broadcasters. Read Beenius latest blog and learn more.

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Is TV still the number one choice for viewing TV?

Do you remember times when all family gathered in the living room at a certain time and gazed at a 50-inch black and white box? Since it was first invented, TV technology came a long way. Not just with the large flat TV screens, but also more and more viewers are watching their favorite movies […]

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TV programs a la carte?

According to PwC research, customers prefer the package of TV programs a la carte. Will we ever get a chance to make a list of programs that we want?

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3-screen users?

These users are not consuming less traditional media but more media overall on smartphones and tablets.

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Is the TV set back again?

More than 90% of UK population use TV set at least once a week. A half of those adult own a private smartphone and one of four owns a tablet computer.